#ForteFemales At Home - Anna De Pahlen

Today's #ForteFemale is the elegant dancer and yoga teacher Anna De Pahlen. Anna has trained as a contemporary dancer and studied dance movement psychotherapy. She's been practising yoga for the past 10 years and is currently teaching yoga and meditation classes via Instagram online. 

What is the place you would travel to now if you could?

I would go to Rome to visit my family and friends. 

What's the first restaurant you're going to go to after the quarantine? 

I would go to Da Adolfo in Positano. 

What are your favourite beauty places or spa treatments? 

My favourite thing to do is a hammam followed by a massage. I feel heat is the best thing to relax your muscles and I see a real difference in my skin and energy levels. 

What are you doing/ using to stay physically active and mentally well at the moment? 

I'm running a lot of online yoga and meditation classes at the moment and my students are the sunshine of my day! I also practice yoga every day and I love to create choreographies.    

What helps you get to sleep if you are wired but tired? 

The app Insight Timer gives great meditation tips for improving sleep. 

What is your skincare regime during the lock-down (morning and evening)?

In the morning I wash my face with water and then I use the Irene Forte Lemon Toner. After that, I'll apply some SPF50 sun cream and then I’m ready to go ;). 

In the evening I wash my face with the Irene Forte Almond Cleansing Milk. If I've been wearing any make-up I will use some make-up remover and water.  Depending on how my skin is looking, I will either apply some aloe vera with drops of huile d’immortel or coconut oil. 

Do you have one evening or more a week where you spend time masking/ pampering? What do you do? 

I wish I took more time to pamper my skin. But if I have the time and I feel my skin needs a boost I'll put a face mask on and meditate/relax for 20 minutes, I love doing this if I'm stressed. I also really recommend the Jade Facial Roller; it's a great way to relax your muscles and lets your skin absorb any cream or oil. 

What is the best beauty/ skin advice you've ever been given? 

The way you eat, sleep and your lifestyle will show on your skin.  

What's your favourite:


Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



The Serpentine Podcast - they focus on environmental issues. 

Skincare product:

Irene Forte Almond Face Scrub 


Follow Anna De Pahlen 
