#ForteFemales At Home - Gioia Bini

Introducing today's #ForteFemale, the creative and young Italian entrepreneur, Gioia Bini. She launched her epynomous clothing brand, Gioia Bini, in 2016; her collections are treasured for their limited edition up-cycled luxurious fabrics, sourced from exclusive cloth mills and hand-sewn in Tuscany. Inspired by the classic dressmakers of another time, Gioia's dresses are feminine, seasonless, and sustainable. 

Which place would you travel to now if you could?

I'm currently organising a road trip with my sister across Tuscany; Rome will be our final destination.

What's the first restaurant you're going to go to after the quarantine? 

Trattoria da Camillo or Troia, both in Florence. The tortino ai carciofi  at Troia is to die for, and it's the only thing I cannot seem to make at home! I also cannot wait to go for an aperitivo at Cibreo Bistro for a dirty martini.

What are your favourite spas or wellness centres ? 

My favourites have to be Buchinger Wilhelmi in Germany or Vana in India. 

What are you doing to stay physically active and mentally well at the moment?

I run for an hour every day, and following that, I'll do a core body workout. I also take my dog out for long walks.

What helps you get to sleep if you are wired but tired? 

A cup of valerian and camomile herbal tea. If I really can’t sleep, I'll take some magnesium.  

What is your skincare regime during the lock-down (morning and evening)?

My skincare routine is very basic; I wash my face with some soap and water both morning and evening. Every morning, I also put SPF50 on my face, and then in the evening, I'll apply the Irene Forte Hibiscus Night Cream.  

Do you have one evening or more a week where you spend time pampering? What do you do? 

Yes! I try to put some time aside every day for pampering because I believe it helps you feel better about yourself. On Sundays, I like to take a long bubble bath with some Santa Maria Novella epsom salts and bath oils, they have a great Rose Bath Oil. Following my bath pampering, I'll do a face and eye mask and moisturise. 

What is the best beauty/skin advice you've ever been given? 

To use ice-cold water on the skin.

What's your favourite:

Book :

Backgammon for Blood by Bruce Becker

Documentary :

Love Cecil 

Podcast :

I recently listened to one called Pip & Nut which was quite sweet 

Skincare product:

Irene Forte Hibiscus Night Cream 


Follow Gioia Bini 
