#ForteFemales At Home - Ruby Hammer


Introducing today's #ForteFemale, Ruby Hammer MBE, one of the most respected makeup artists in the world. With over 25 years of experience in the beauty world, Ruby has worked on everything from haute couture to shoots with the world’s most celebrated photographers. She recently released her own capsule collection of instant cult classics, based on her in-depth knowledge of makeup.

Where are you dreaming of travelling to? 

The Maldives, or somewhere that has sun, sea, and hot weather! 

What is the first restaurant you went to post lockdown 2.0?

The La Petite Maison in Mayfair. I’ve been there many times and it’s definitely a favourite of mine; I’ve never had a bad meal there!

What is your favourite spa or wellness space?

I’d have to say Urban Retreat at the White House. It’s like the department store for beauty treatments; they offer everything from hair treatments to facials all in one place. 

What was the first beauty treatment you had post lockdown 2.0?

I went to my hairdresser Tracey to have my greys covered!

What helps you get to sleep if you are wired but tired? 

I find the best thing is to just shut down computers, iPads, and phones. I try to get into bed earlier to give myself time to switch off. A nice luxurious hot bath with essential oils always helps.

What is your skincare regime (morning and evening)?

If I have been thorough the night before, my morning routine is very brisk: a quick cleanse, moisturiser, eye cream/gel, and SPF. In the evening, I like to take more time – it’s part of my routine that helps me switch off and relax. I’ll double cleanse, exfoliate and spend time massaging a serum or oil.

Do you have one evening or more a week where you spend time masking/ pampering? What do you do?

I don’t have a set routine for this but I always manage to do something every week, or a couple of times per week, depending on my skin's needs. I’m a great believer in having a beauty regime in place that you can add to when needed.

Any skincare advice for our readers? 

The best advice is to take time out for yourself without the attached guilt and play with different products, find what works for you and what doesn’t, experiment and have fun.  

Any makeup advice? 

Blend, blend, blend! 

What's your favourite: 


Silk by Alessandro Baricco


David Attenborough

Skincare Product:

It would be impossible to pick one – a great moisturiser that hydrates is a win!


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